Referenced Hazards of Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings
- Mercury amalgam fillings cause damage to the brain, kidneys, &ad immune system in Press conference of the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordinating Research. Stockholm, 19 February 1998. "Amalgam can cause brain damage in children."
- Amalgam fillings are linked to neurological problems, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, bleeding gums and other mouth disorders. The statistical analysis 17500 symptom questionnaires (Tubingen, Norway) on mercury from amalgam. Press conference in January 1997.
- High copper amalgam fillings used in America since the 1970s are unstable and release many times more mercury than the older style of amalgam fillings. On the Instability of Amalgams, UF Begisson
- Amalgam fillings release highly toxic elemental mercury, one of the most toxic substances known. The mercury release from fillings is absorbed primarily as highly toxic elemental mercury vapor. kella B., Ph.D. and Dworkin. A., N.D. Surviving The Toxic Crisis (Olivenhain. C.A: Professional Preference, 1996).184-185.
- Amalgam fillings are the largest source of mercury by far, approximately four times higher from amalgam fillings than from fish consumption Environmental Health Criteria: Methylmercury (WHO, 1990).
- Gold crowns, gum chewing, bruxism (teeth grinding), computer monitors, teeth brushing, braces, and chewing cause the release of significantly increased amounts of mercury from the fillings. Gold crowns: J Orthomolecular Med 4(3): 141-137 (1989), Gum chewing: Klinisches Labor 38: 404-411 (1992). Bruxism: Occup Environ Med 52:124-128 (1995), Computer monitors: Swed Dent J 1991 p31 Abstract 22, Chewing: J Dent Res 60:1668-1671 (1981)
- Mercury released from fillings accumulates (builds up) in the brain, kidneys, Liver, pituitary, adrenals, and other parts of the body. Sci Total Environ 138(1-3):101-115 (1993)
- Mercury from amalgam fillings has been implicated as a possible contributory factor in some cases of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, IBS, reproductive disorders, allergies, and a variety of other illnesses. Dr. Hal Huggins, http:/www.hugnet.com/health.htm
- Mercury builds up in brain, organs and breast milk of fetuses of mothers with amalgam fillings. Mercury accumulation: Eur J Pediair 153:607-610 (1994). ISSN: 0003-9896
- Proper removal of fillings produces eventual health improvement. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 11 pp. 195-203 1996.
- What toxicologists and medical researchers say about amalgam: "Evidence from experimental and human studies clearly indicates that mercury from the toxicological point of view is an unstutable element to use in dentistry." 1) Friberg L7. Schrauxer GN. Preface. In: Fribgrg LT Schrouzer GM. Statut Quo andperspectives of amalgam and other denial materials International jympwfum. C. seems Veriag Stuttgart, 1995. 2) Friberg LT Concluding remarks. In: Friberg LT, Schrourgr GN. Status Quo andper,;peclivej of amalgam and other denial materials. International -Iympxfum. G. nieme Verlag Stuttgart, 1995.- 134-136. 3) Richardson GM, 411an M. .4 Mont# Carloirsesrmenl ofmgrcury Exposure andrisksfrom Denial .Amalgam. Human and Ee'ological Rijk.4siessmgnt 19.96, 2 (,e): 709-761. ,i) Berlin Ad.- P amalgam in dentalfillings h=ardous Io heahh?]. Lakartidningen 1992; 89 (37): 2918-23. 5) Lorichefder F, Vimy AV. Summers,40. Vercury exposureftom ',rilver'toolhfillings., emerging evidence questions a traditional dentalparadigm. F.4SEB Journal IP9.5. 9. 5OW-8.